
Informações gerais

Nome Albert Einstein
Título Cientista
Telefone (912) 123-4567
Resumo Um físico teórico alemão, amplamente considerado um dos cientistas mais influentes de todos os tempos


  • 1933.01 - 1955.01
    Professor de Física Teórica
    Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Universidade de Princeton
    Ensino no Palmer Physical Laboratory (agora 302 Frist Campus Center). Embora não seja professor em Princeton, associei-me aos professores de física e continuei a dar palestras no campus.
    • Relatividade


  • 2014.04 - 2015.07
    Lead Organizer
    People's Climate March
    Lead organizer for the New York City branch of the People's Climate March, the largest climate march in history.
    • Awarded 'Climate Hero' award by Greenpeace for my efforts organizing the march.
    • Men of the year 2014 by Time magazine


  • 1905.01 - 1905.01
    Universidade de Zurique, Zurique, Suíça
    Desenvolvimento de software
    • Teoria da relatividade


  • 1921.11.01
    Prêmio Nobel de Física
    Academia Real Sueca de Ciências
    Os Prêmios Nobel são cinco prêmios separados que, de acordo com o testamento de Alfred Nobel de 1895, são concedidos a 'aqueles que, durante o ano anterior, conferiram o maior benefício à humanidade'.


Quantum Teleportation
Stanford University 2018-01-01
Quantum Communication
Stanford University 2018-01-01
Quantum Cryptography
Stanford University 2018-01-01
Quantum Information
Stanford University 2018-01-01
Quantum Computing
Stanford University 2018-01-01
Machine Learning
Stanford University 2018-01-01


  • 1916.03.20
    Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
    Annalen der Physik
    The publication of the theory of general relativity made him internationally famous. He was professor of physics at the universities of Zurich (1909–1911) and Prague (1911–1912), before he returned to ETH Zurich (1912–1914).
  • 1905.06.30
    Zur Elektrody/namik bewegter Körper
    Annalen der Physik
    It concerned an interpretation of the Michelson–Morley experiment and the properties of light and time. Special relativity incorporates the principle that the speed of light is the same for all inertial observers regardless of the state of motion of the source.
  • 1905.03.18
    Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt
    Annalen der Physik
    In the second paper, he applied the quantum theory to light to explain the photoelectric effect. In particular, he used the idea of light quanta (photons) to explain experimental results, but stressed the importance of the experimental results. The importance of his work on the photoelectric effect earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.


Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Computing
Quantum Information
Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Communication
Quantum Teleportation




Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Computing
Quantum Information
Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Communication
Quantum Teleportation


Professor John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam condimentum, diam quis convallis euismod, arcu mi ullamcorper lorem, a vestibulum nunc magna at sem. Sed in risus ac felis varius blandit. D
Professor John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam condimentum, diam quis convallis euismod, arcu mi ullamcorper lorem, a vestibulum nunc magna at sem. Sed in risus ac felis varius blandit. D


  • 2018.01 - 2018.01
    Quantum Computing
    Quantum computing is the use of quantum-mechanical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to perform computation. Computers that perform quantum computations are known as quantum computers.
    • Quantum Teleportation
    • Quantum Cryptography