I was a summer intern at CERN!.
I worked in the software for experiments group (EP-SFT) under the supervision of Graeme Stewart at CERN.
This year, I was fortunate enough to be selected for the CERN Summer Student Programme for the 2024’s cohort. There has even been some media coverage on my experience:
The summer student programme is an opportunity to work in a project at the Largest Hadron Collider in the world. I was assigned a project in the software for experiments group at CERN, under the supervision of Graeme Stewart.
Streamlining Julia for High-Energy Physics Applications
Julia has emerged as a powerful tool for scientific computing, combining high-level functionality with performance rivaling C/C++. However, its reliance on precompiled files causes startup delays, posing challenges for distributed systems. To address this, we developed a workflow that precompiles and caches Julia dependencies in the shared CernVM-FS (CVMFS) file system, enabling seamless distribution across compute nodes.
Testing with the Julia Jet Reconstruction and Geant4 wrapper packages, we achieved startup time reductions of up to 97%. Our framework also supports cross-compilation for diverse microarchitectures, ensuring efficient performance without degradation. This approach makes Julia more accessible for high-energy physics and distributed computing environments.
I presented my work at the Julia for High Energy Physics 2024 Workshop.