Elvis Agüero

Brown University
School of Engineering, Providence, Rhode Island.

I'm a first-year PhD student at the School of Engineering at Brown University, after having completed a MSc. in Applied Maths, kindly supervised by André Nachbin at  IMPA , which I started when I was 17 years old, and finishing a B.S. in Engineering Physics at my beloved UNILA I have experience with Computational Fluid Mechanics, where I strive to implement industrially competitive alternatives to DNS. I have a wide and expanding set of interests, all of them inspired by an honest quest for truth and scientific rigor. I am still settling on a concrete research agenda, but lately I have been drawn by ideas related (but not limited) to Quantum Computing (experimental and algorithmic), Computational (classical and non-classical, deterministic and probabilistic) Dynamics, Learning Algorithms (both their foundations, scalability and safe implementation), Mathematical Physics and Philosophy. On a non-academic note, I also had the pleasure to work alongside teams advocating for anti-corruption public policies in my home country (Paraguay), through implementation of Open Contracting Data Standards. I am also an avid collaborator of the Paraguayan National Math Olympiads, and have recently started advocating for effective altruism.



I worked in the software for experiments group (EP-SFT) under the supervision of Graeme Stewart at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) for a summer internship!.


I will be starting my PhD at the School of Engineering of Brown University!. It will be an excellent opportunity to learn new skills.


I attended the wonderful Advanced School on Experimental Physics at CBPF , where I we did research on foundational phenomena for spintronic devices.


I presented my latest work at the Brazil-China Joint Mathematical Meeting


I had the pleasure to visit and collaborate with the Harris Lab @ Brown University!


Our paper "Impact of a rigid sphere onto an ellastic membrane" was accepted at the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.